Mental wellbeing in the workplace: How to look after your mental health

Mental wellbeing in the workplace: How to look after your mental health

Employee mental well-being in the workplace is key to productivity and overall employee satisfaction. Employees who feel good tend to perform better. That's why it's important to take care of your mental health!

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Employee mental well-being includes overall mental health, physical health, emotional stability, and economic stability. Internal factors that affect mental well-being are working hours, evaluation, safety and peace of mind in the workplace, relationships with colleagues and superiors, decision-making competences, tools and resources with which they work. External factors that also affect mental well-being are concerns about housing, health and family satisfaction, time for regeneration, hobbies and interests.

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Employers have an obligation to provide their employees with the necessary support and care for their physical and mental health. What good is such a strategy? It will help employees feel valued and supported at work. Improves motivation to achieve goals. Whether you are a small business or a corporation, there are many meaningful ways to improve the quality of life of your employees.  

Maintain work-life balance

A balanced work and private life is now considered a standard. Employers already know that good employee health and well-being lead to higher work morale. It is also a significant prevention of missed time due to absence (sickness, frequent vacations and time off due to stress).

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Communicate with superiors and colleagues

Open communication with superiors and colleagues can help solve problems and reduce stress levels.  

Use your free time

Find some physical activity that makes you happy and makes you feel good. Take time for your thoughts and feelings.  

Manage stress

Learn to manage stress using various techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, relaxation exercises or massage.

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We hope these tips will help you take care of your mental health in the workplace. Remember that your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Take care of yourself and your colleagues, and you will see how your work environment becomes much more pleasant and productive.